+97781404003 info@decn.org

Strategic Priority and Work Scope

Strategic Objective 1: Capacity Development.


  • The DECN shall build the capacity of its leaders and staff in good governance in order to improve its systems and processes.
  • DECN intends to build its capacity in the areas of Organization management, Human Resource Management, Material Resource Management and Financial Management by having working facilities, tools and skilled staff.
  • DECN financial, human and material resources adequately improved by 2022.

Activities: To accomplish the aforementioned strategic objectives DECN will implement the following activities:

  • Train DECN leaders and staff on good governance.
  • Review DECN organization structure to reflect the need and implementation of Strategy.
  • Conduct General Assembly and election as per the constitution.
  • Review of all processes and operational systems of DECN.
  • Strengthen self-help group’s capacities to undertake their roles effectively.
  • Train self-help groups in strategic planning, advocacy, organization management, project development and management.
  • Conduct experience sharing meeting with self-help groups.
  • Conduct training needs analysis and develop training manual for various topics.
  • Train persons with disabilities in accessible information and communication technology (ICT), reporting, resource mobilization, good practices and management.
  • DECN staff and its member to short and long term training courses in various professions.
  • Improve performance management system through performance appraisals, trainings, seminars and workshops to DECN staff and its members.
  • DECN strive to have its own office building.
  • Strengthen organization image by developing and disseminating newsletters, brochures and updating timely the website.
  • Strengthening internal policies, regulations and DECN constitution.
  • Develop and implement fundraising policy.

Priority area 2:  Advocacy and sensitization.

Strategic Objective 2.1: Access to Justice for persons with disabilities promoting human rights,

Strategic Objective 2.2: Advocacy and sensitization


  • DECN shall intervene for providing access to justice promoting human rights of persons with disabilities.
  • DECN shall advocate for the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities, building awareness on disability issue and sensitize general public, policy makers, political parties, civil society and persons with disabilities and their families.

Activities: To accomplish the aforementioned strategic objectives DECN will implement the following activities:

  • Disseminate and popularize for the implementation of National Policy and plan of action on disability, disability friendly local governance indicators, act on rights of persons with disabilities to different stakeholders.
  • Conduct trainings on disability related Policy, act concerning rights of persons with disabilities, Legislation, disability targets and indicators of SDG, CRPD and the Asia-Pacific framework on disability.
  • Conduct awareness raising activities to the public on adequate participation of Persons with Disabilities on legal and Constitutional matters.
  • Lobby for the equal opportunities for people with disability in decision making positions.
  • Analyze all policies for persons with disabilities and recommend and advise the government and stakeholders on the gaps.
  • Promote access to justice for persons with disabilities by mobilization of paralegals, court action and rights campaign.

Priority area 3:  Service system.

Strategic Objective 3: Service Delivery including rehabilitation, Empowerment, Production and distribution of assistive devices.


  • DECN shall be engaged for ensuring the provision of quality rehabilitation services for people with disabilities and their effective empowerment.
  • DECN shall establish production mechanism of assistive devices for persons with disabilities and establish convenient distribution mechanism.

Activities: To accomplish the aforementioned strategic objectives DECN will implement the following activities:

  • Facilitate for providing disability ID card, citizenship card, scholarship, vocational training, social security allowance etc.
  • Establish rehabilitation and empowerment center for persons with disabilities,
  • Production, import and distribution of assistive devices for persons with disabilities.
  • Develop online database of Persons with disabilities for development planning purposes.

Priority area 4: Community Based Inclusive Development (CBID).

Strategic Objective 4: Community Based Inclusive Development


  • DECN collaborates for enhancing Community Based Inclusive Development initiatives making the local bodies accountable towards persons with disabilities.
  • DECN actively engage in Political participation and Decision making process by 2022.
  • DECN promotes concept of disability inclusive disaster risk reduction.

Activities: To accomplish the aforementioned strategic objectives DECN will implement the following activities:

  • Conduct motivational training to people with disability on the importance of self-representation in inclusive development.
  • Organize open for am for the discussion of each policy dialogue with national Election Commission and provincial election commission on establishing favorable environment for people with disability and hold voter’s education trainings for Persons with Disability in province five and six.
  • Organise awareness campaign for disability inclusive community based disaster risk reduction (DICBDRR).
  • The DECN shall enhance the knowledge about disaster risk management for DECN including Women and Children in the Community with communication skills training, leadership skills, strategic planning, advocacy, management, project development and financial management.
  • Conduct radio and TV programs which emphasize the disability inclusive development process, legislation and service provisions.

Priority area 5: Strategic Alliances

Strategic Objective 5.1: Strategic Alliances and Collaboration

Strategic Objective 5.2: Cross sectional Issues on disabilities.


  • DECN shall strive to promote fruitful partnerships, networks and collaboration with both likeminded organizations within the local bodies, province five and all over Nepal.
  • DECN facilitates to foster collective efforts in tackling disability issues by sharing information, increasing access to resources for persons with disabilities and most marginalized community.
  • DECN shall empower people with disabilities facing cross-sectional deprivation such as Gender equality, Indigenous people, Madhesee, bonded labour, ultra poor, promoting their participation politically, socially and economically.

Activities: To accomplish the aforementioned strategic objectives DECN will implement the following activities:

  • Establish key areas for collaboration and partnership and identify potential partners and collaborator.
  • Organize forum and meetings with collaborators to introduce DECN and raise funds for DECN and its networking self-help groups.
  • Create effective networking with partners for information sharing.
  • Identify key themes and areas for advocacy and for participation.
  • DECN organize activities for enhancing the visibilities of women and children with disabilities in the Community through communication skills training, leadership skills, strategic planning, advocacy, group management, project development and financial management.
  • Conduct entrepreneurship skills in order for economic empowerment of women with disabilities.

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